Christina McDonald Legg


Colures Magazine



Connacht Tribune news articles

Robert Fisk

Wheelchair Ramp







Connacht Tribune feature articles






Connacht Tribune magazine advertorials and features

June Weddings

Spring fashion


Queen Bee

Galway Independent health columns

Cervical Cancer

Chronic Fatigue

Galway Advertiser news

Norma McCorvey



Sunday Times, Dublin

Gay Pub



Beacon Hill News

Muslim Community



Books edited and proofread

The Challenge of eCompetence in Academic Staff Development (click here for all chapters)

Handbook of Enquiry and Problem-based learning: Irish Case Studies and International Perspectives

Newsletters edited and published

CKI Newsletter 1 CKI Newsletter 3
CKI Newsletter 2 CKI Newsletter 4

Television and Radio interviews

Interview on Galway Bay FM - Christina McDonald Legg speaks with Galway Bay FM about the ALIVE programme and volunteering at NUI Galway.

Interview on Flirt FM - Christina McDonald Legg talks to Flirt FM about Volunteering, the ALIVE programme and what it all means to the community.

Interview with Iain MacLabhrainn about the National Digital Learning Repository

Interview with Sister Stanislaus Kennedy - Sister Stanislaus Kennedy speaks to Christina McDonald Legg about the Young Social Innovators Programme and its affect on volunteering in Ireland.